Livestreaming Worship Service Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m



March 22, 2020

The Exalted Christ

Preacher: Chad Watkins Series: Revelation Topic: Sunday School Scripture: Revelation 1:12–20


This Sunday School class was conducted via a video-conference application (Zoom) during the COVID-19 crisis.  Please forgive any complications with the audio. 

other sermons in this series

Apr 5


Letters to the Churches: Smyrna

Preacher: Chad Watkins Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11 Series: Revelation

Mar 29


Letters to the Churches: Ephesus

Preacher: Chad Watkins Scripture: Revelation 2:1–7 Series: Revelation

Mar 8


The Blessing of Revelation

Preacher: Chad Watkins Scripture: Revelation 1:1–11 Series: Revelation