Livestreaming Worship Service Sundays at  10:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m



Catechism Club is WPC’s main program geared to EVANGELIZEING the unbelieving families in our neighborhood. Our goal is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our neighbors and be a bridge from our neighborhood to our church.

Weekly, during Catechism Club, we play games, do art activities, eat snacks, sings Bible songs and hymns, and most importantly learn about the God who loves and cares for us. We read the Word of God, Bible story books, and memorize catechism. We primarily use the My 1st Book of Questions and Answers book.

WHY CATECHISM? Catechism simply means “oral instruction in the form of questions and answers”. We use this method of teaching because it is straight forward, easy to learn how to teach, and very effective and engaging for the children. Catechism also holds a rich history within our reformed denomination as a part of the standards to which we hold our faith to.

While covenant families are welcome to join us for Catechism Club, this program is structured to be a presentation of the gospel each week for the unbelieving children in our community.