Livestreaming Worship Service Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m



Supported Missionaries

Click on the links below to visit the website of each of the missionaries that we support. 


Supported Missionaries
Mission to the World (MTW)
Mission to North America (MNA)
Global Muslim Ministry (GMM)


Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, Crestview, FL - Chaplain Josiah Alldredge


Apologetics Resource Ministry (US)/ Partners in Asian Ministry (India) – Pastor Clete Hux

Presbyterian and Reformed Chaplain Corp) (PRCC) Worldwide – Mission to North America

Hope Health Center, Dr. Tom Edwards, Birmingham, AL – Medical to Ivory Coast, Kenya, Haiti

Reformed University Ministry (RUF), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Pastor Brian Thomas

Reformed University Ministry (RUF), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Pastor Kelly Jackson


Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) Evangelism/ Pastor Victor Atallah, Lanarca, Cyprus

Brenda Carter, MTW/Church Planting, Teaching, Taiwan

David and Marcia, MTW/ENTERPRISE, GMM, Church Plant, Street Evangelism – Sensitive*

Franklin and Beth, MTW/ENTERPRISE, GMM, Church Plant, Media Production - Sensitive*

David and Jill Martin, MTW/Odessa, Ukraine – Missionary Children Educators

Manila Children’s Home/Pastor Support  - MTW Board/Philippines – Cheryl Crocker, Board Member

Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU), MTW Leadership Training / Student Scholarships

Perry and Betty, MTW/Church Plant, Collegiate/Middle School Educator – Sensitive*

Robert and Lisa Stewart, MTW/Church Plant, Urayasu/Tokyo, Japan

Joel and Stephanie Swanson, MTW/Church Plant, France (on home leave until June 2020)

Verne and Alina Marshall, MTW/Church Plant, Chile and Cuba


Sensitive* - CLICK HERE for video on how to protect our Sensitive Missionaries