The Ordinary Means of Grace: the Word and Sacraments (pt 1)
Preacher: Bill Tyson Series: Speaking the Truth in Love: Doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16– 4:5
other sermons in this series
May 27
Behold the Kindness and Severity of God
Preacher: Bill Tyson Scripture: Romans 8:18–25 Series: Speaking the Truth in Love: Doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith
May 13
The Lord's Supper
Preacher: Bill Tyson Scripture: Luke 22:1–23 Series: Speaking the Truth in Love: Doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith
May 6
This Matter of 'The Church'
Preacher: Bill Tyson Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–22, Ephesians 4:1–16 Series: Speaking the Truth in Love: Doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith